Countries Hiring Foreign Workers in Various Sectors of the Economy


About 15 countries in the world are experiencing labour shortages in various sectors of the economy. 

This indicates opportunities to hire foreign workers to close the gap in sectors experiencing a deficit of manpower. 

The report was compiled utilizing Manpower Group’s 2024 Report on Talent Shortages was instrumental in identifying countries facing the most severe labor shortages worldwide.

It provides data on the percentage of skilled labour shortage in each country by differentiating between countries with similarly skilled labour shortage percentages, and the World Bank’s statistics on the proportion of the ageing population relative to the total population.

Countries with a higher percentage of ageing population were given priority in ranking. 

In instances where both the ageing population and skilled labour shortage percentages matched between two countries, the number of permanent migrants that have been accepted since 2021 was used as a tiebreaker.  

Here is the list of countries: 

1. Japan 

Skilled Labor Shortage: 85%; Ageing Population: 30% 

Japan faces the highest labour shortages globally, with 86% of municipalities actively seeking additional foreign workers to address challenges posed by an ageing population. Sectors like education, healthcare, and technology are recruiting international talent to bridge these gaps. 

2. Greece 

Skilled Labor Shortage: 82%; Ageing Population: 23% 

Greece recently passed legislation to address a severe labour shortage, aiming to legalize the papers of around 30,000 unregistered migrants.

The shortage impacts various sectors, including agriculture, tourism, and construction. 

3. Germany

Skilled Labor Shortage: 82%; Ageing Population: 22% 

About half of the German companies are struggling with labour shortages. Approximately 1.8 million jobs remain unfilled, with industries like construction and manufacturing hardest hit. 

4. Israel 

Skilled Labor Shortage: 82%; Ageing Population: 12% 

Israel faces significant labour shortages in the construction sector, prompting plans to bring in around 70,000 foreign workers from China, India, and other countries. 

5. Portugal 

Skilled Labor Shortage: 81%; Ageing Population: 23% 

Portugal experiences a huge labour shortage across eight crucial sectors, with a pressing need for skilled workers in IT, healthcare, hospitality, construction, agriculture, and renewable energy. 

6. Ireland 

Skilled Labor Shortage: 81%; Ageing Population: 15% 

Ireland struggles with a severe labour shortage crisis across key industries like construction, hospitality, and healthcare. Efforts to address the shortfall include bringing in 40,000 non-EU workers annually. 

7. India 

Skilled Labor Shortage: 81%; Ageing Population: 7% 

Despite a growing workforce, India faces a shortage of skilled and unskilled labour, impacting domestic and international manufacturing capabilities. 

8. France 

Skilled Labor Shortage: 80%; Ageing Population: 22% 

France’s hydrogen sector requires tens of thousands of workers by 2030, but labour shortages and insufficient training are hindering progress. 

9. Canada 

Skilled Labor Shortage: 80%; Ageing Population: 19% 

Canada aims to address labour shortages by welcoming a significant number of permanent residents, focusing on critical sectors like health, STEM, trades, and agriculture. 

10. United Kingdom 

Skilled Labor Shortage: 80%; Ageing Population: 19% 

The UK sees increased interest in jobs, especially from non-EU countries, since implementing a post-Brexit points-based immigration system. Top job categories include social care and software development. 

11. Brazil 

Skilled Labor Shortage: 80%; Ageing Population: 10% 

Brazil faces critical labour shortages in key sectors like health and ICT, with deficits in medical imaging technicians, ICT professionals, and others. 

12. Hong Kong 

Skilled Labor Shortage: 79%; Ageing Population: 20% 

Hong Kong plans to address labour shortages by easing entry rules and recruiting foreign workers, targeting sectors like construction and aviation. 

13. Romania 

Skilled Labor Shortage: 79%; Ageing Population: 19% 

Romania faces a significant labour shortage, with projections indicating a workforce deficit of one million by 2023. 

14. Slovakia 

Skilled Labor Shortage: 79%; Ageing Population: 17% 

Slovakia experiences severe staff shortages in the IT and automotive sectors, leading to an increase in Indian workers and highlighting the need for foreign assistance. 

15. Singapore 

Skilled Labor Shortage: 79%; Ageing Population: 15% 

Singapore addresses workforce shortages by hiring professionals, focusing on sectors like IT, software, banking, and engineering. The country is one of those facing a shortage of IT professionals. 


CanadaGreeceJapanManpower Group’s 2024 Report on Talent ShortagesUKUSA

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